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Excellence in Education to the Glory of God
King's Education Group
011 763 7012

COLLABORUM is an online document repository produced by The King's Education Group for the sharing of curriculum resources between member-teachers of the group.  However, in response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we have adapted COLLABORUM to add guest login profiles for pupils and their parents to access lessons, videos, notes and other content that will be uploaded by their teachers, during times of school closure.

How to get to COLLABORUM
Go to the website: https://keg.edgebase.co.za/.

How to login
Log in using the guest account user name and password that has been given to you by the school.

How to navigate the site
Once logged in, close the “Expected Student Outcomes” pop-up. Then: Select your grade / your child's grade. Select a subject. (Or select “All” to see all uploaded files for all your subjects.) Select this year (2020). You will now see a list of files that are available for the above selected categories. Click on a filename to download and open it.

Please note that some of the content that teacher's have uploaded on COLLABORUM will open on a laptop or a desktop computer but may not be accessible on a phone.

Technical support
COLLABORUM will also work on mobile devices. However, due to the diverse nature of these devices, we are only able to provide technical support for COLLABORUM on desktop PC's and Laptop PC's. For COLLABORUM technical support, please email rodneyu@tkswr.co.za.

We trust that COLLABORUM will prove to be of service to the pupils and families of our school.

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